
Showing posts from November, 2022

Life Is An RPG

Everyone is a gamer right now! Everyone is gaming! Games and videogames are no longer nerdy and not only the dorks play them! They became mainstream and they became cool! Well I was part of the unlucky few that were dorky and nerdy in their own little small sphere and I was really hooked on RPGs (Role-Playing Games). RPGs are games where you create a character and give it a class like a warrior or a mage or a monk,etc and then you add stats like strength endurance intelligence and so on and so forth. You personalize your character; sex, appearance and apparel and then give it a name and hit START. Usually you start with a level 1 character and 0 Gold and then you have to work your way to the top. You have to EXP (gain experience to fill a bar to level up) and you have to earn Gold. Leveling up raises your stats so you become more powerful or less susceptible to damage or have more chances to gain Gold, etc. Gold allows you to have better weapons, better clothes and better “living condi...

Be A Winner ! (Win At Life)

The sight of mediocrity I see every day irritate me. I see people who’ve settled for less when they could’ve had more, so much more. More than what they’re settling for. So much lost potential, talents going to waste, geniuses not exploiting their god given gifts. And it’s truly sad! Most people don’t aspire for greatness, don’t use their full potential. They take their lives for granted and don’t do anything to change. Those kind of people for me are losers! I may sound like a douchebag, but I tell it how I see it. The reason why there is such losers in our society is because losing became such a normal thing. Living as a loser is living as a  normal  human being. Living as a winner is living as an extreme human being, or some call it living as a “lucky” person. And so it is advertised, putting the normal bar to a person is a person struggling in life, full of debt, having a crappy lifestyle and a crappy relationship with his entoura...