Life Is An RPG

Everyone is a gamer right now! Everyone is gaming! Games and videogames are no longer nerdy and not only the dorks play them! They became mainstream and they became cool! Well I was part of the unlucky few that were dorky and nerdy in their own little small sphere and I was really hooked on RPGs (Role-Playing Games).

RPGs are games where you create a character and give it a class like a warrior or a mage or a monk,etc and then you add stats like strength endurance intelligence and so on and so forth. You personalize your character; sex, appearance and apparel and then give it a name and hit START.

Usually you start with a level 1 character and 0 Gold and then you have to work your way to the top. You have to EXP (gain experience to fill a bar to level up) and you have to earn Gold.

Leveling up raises your stats so you become more powerful or less susceptible to damage or have more chances to gain Gold, etc. Gold allows you to have better weapons, better clothes and better “living conditions” all around.

I don’t know why I always saw my whole life as an RPG. I Always Saw myself facing enemies, completing quests, leveling up and getting my stats and my Gold to go up.

Leveling up:

When you’re born you’re a level 1 character where your initial stats are chosen by your genetics. Yet when you grow older you definitely have a choice to choose what “class” you wish to be part of and what stats you wanna spec (specify) in. The younger you are the more freedom you have to try and see what kind of class/build you wanna main. But as you get older you have to at least be proficient in something if not more. You have to know how todeal with the enemies life throws at you.

The enemies:

There’s this saying that goes: “In video games, if you encounter enemies it means you’re going the right way” and it’s a wink at how in life that if you face enemies, if you face hardships then you must be going in the right way.

Enemies in real life aren’t the mobs that you encounter and gotta drop their HP (Health Points) to zero. Enemies in your life are your bad habits, your weak mentality, actual bad people that you gotta defeat by ignoring their energy draining talks, your financial situation, your relationships, all around problems that life throws at you.

You fight them and you win those battles, you EXP and raise your stats and maybe gain Gold.


The currency of most RPGs and since we’re talking about life then we’re talking about money. You need to earn Gold to progress in an RPG. You need to earn money to survive in life.

Gold obviously isn’t why you play the RPG. You play it for the adventure , for the encounters you have, seeing your character progress and start from a weak level 1 Warrior to a level 99 Warlord and conquer everything and everyone.

Sure, the Gold does help with this but it is NOT the reason why I play the game. And since life is an RPG then you can fill in the gaps.


NPCs or Non Playable Characters are characters that you encounter along your adventure and either take a quest from them or they help to deepen the experience by story telling or they might even be mobs up to get you, some are just put there for scenery and serve no real purpose for you.

Therefore, in real life, you have to be mindful of the NPCs around you, are they friendly or hostile or useless, and how can you turn that interaction with them into EXP and/or gold. Don’t take me wrong, your friends and family aren’t NPCs, they're MCs ( Main Characters) just like you. NPCs are people that you encounter in life but they fade away into a distant memory.


Main characters are the main people in your life. They’re there to support and be there for you. Like your family and best friends and your significant others. If you treat them like NPCs then maybe you’re doing an evil arc.

The arcs:

It’s the events that happen within the RPG where you experience some events where you have to surmount a tough opponent or make a tough choice. They’re usually there to make you feel like you have an impact on the world of that game.

The real world has such events, they can be called arcs; the arc of being a teenager, the arc of heartbreak, the arc of being broke, the arc of building a business,... and so on. These arcs sometimes appear to be challenging but if you remember that life is an RPG then you certainly know that in the end you gonna earn EXP, no matter how it ends.


Whether gaining money or learning a new skill or buying new clothes, everything can feel like playing an RPG called life and that’s fun. You know that it’s an adventure, you know that you're gonna encounter NPCs and you're gonna live arcs where you make choices and live to see their influence on you.

Life is a game and sometimes, you just have to relax and enjoy what the game maker has in store for you!

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


  1. That’s such a new perspective of looking at life. It definitely makes it less complicated and more exciting!


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