8 Things To Do Before Going Back To School


The sun is setting and the weather is getting colder and grayish. September is here and no one is going to wake you up when it ends. Summertime has passed and Fall is here. Long live Fall. And with that, going back to school is an inevitability. Unless you’re homeschooled then you’re good, have fun with your hippy parents.

No matter how was your summer, adventurous or monotonous, you’re back to the learning place where dreams are shaped and memories are made. Are you excited or dreadful? Hopefully the former. But either way, you should start getting ready for your back-to-school journey!

With that being said; here is 8 things you should do before going back to school this year:

1- Take advantage of your last day:

Just ‘cause summer is over doesn’t mean the party is over, you can still have fun and pocket the last days of freedom you have before going back to school. This is also a chance to hit up one of your old classmates since everyone is back in town for school.

2-Contact your friends:

Summer has been busy and you didn’t text each other that much this past months. Sure a hi or a hello, here and there, but not really quite catch up. You’re going to meet at school and things probably going to get awkward, so why not contact them beforehand and plan to hang out and rekindle that friendship you had the year before?

3-Fix your sleep schedule:

Let’s be honest, you have a horrible sleeping schedule right now. And you spent a lot of late nights swiping away or texting. School is early. Very early. And with your sleep schedule, you’ll have a hard time adjusting to it. So get ahead of the curve and fix it. Don’t know how? It’s simple. Sleep early and wake up early and boom! Fixed.

4-Set goals for this year:

Much like New Year’s resolution, before starting this school year. Set up goals to reach. Whether it’s getting better grades at math, making it to the basketball team or getting closer with that shy friend that you’d love to get closer to. It’s a new year and it’s endless possibilities. Just set these objectives up and work slowly toward achieving them.

5-Update your wardrobe:

Everyone at school has seen you on those pants and that top. You’ve wore it for two years now. Unless you’re Oliver Twist  than you should hit the mall or your favorite thrift shop, I’m looking at you hippy homeschooled one, and pick new clothes. Fresh clothes will give you confidence to start the year right and stand out amongst your peers.

6-Get a fresh haircut:

Yep! Goes without saying that before going to the first day of school. You should have a fresh “snip snip” to that old summer hair, that has seen too much sun, and is in need of some hair dresser magic.

7-Set up your stories:

Everyone went somewhere this summer right? But what about you? Where did you go and who did you meet? Did anything exciting happen? Well then you should tell it to everyone! Before doing that, you should recount everyday that passed ever since you threw your bag away and never looked at it again. The moment summer holidays started; try to remember everything cool and interesting that happened so you could tell them all when you’re reunited again at school.

8-Have fun:

It’s the corniest thing ever! I know! But it’s still so true. You should have fun at school. It may feel like a drag and boring but it’s where you spend most of your time in. So might as well have fun. And do well as well. School is school for a reason, you’re not on the arcade to have only fun.


That’s pretty much it. Don’t be sad about the holidays ending but be excited about the new school year about to start. A whole year of memories and knowledge to absorb. So get ready for it and enjoy it all.

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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