Cherish Every Single Moment Of Your Life (Be Your Number One Fan)

You know those stories we read on books or watch on TV who are long and have like multiple chapters or sequels, the so called sagas ?

I'm sure you do and you definitely followed one before. The storytelling is amazing and we end-up loving it.

The reason why they are beloved to us is because we got attached to the hero, we got used to him since we accompanied him through out his whole journey like Luke Skywalker or Harry Potter or whatever character you followed from scratch.

Some fans get offended when you criticize a particular scene or chapter of a certain saga, since they love the whole work. They embrace all of it, even the suck.

That's the same vision we should take upon our lives. It's a saga, an interesting one and it'll have it's bumps obviously so be your number one fan and cherish every single moment of your saga life .

Don't let yourself become an asshole critic that says : "that part wasn't necessary or it just was mediocre and not all that good". Defend your life, defend your passion and be the fan who will stand up for the critic's bullshit. 

You see, life is just a story where you are the hero, it has it's ups and downs, when the protagonist face some great danger or when he saves the day, we notice that all the stuff that happened to him from the beginning of the story until the very end has helped him develop his character and become more strong or more wise, no matter how small or big nor how bad or good it was, it's a way of improvement, like when he gets wisdom from an elder (e.g Yoda or Dumbledore ) or face his sworn enemy (e.g Darth Vader or Lord Voldemort).

Number one fan find pleasure in every single detail, the whole saga is a piece of art and you can't neglect any part of it. So be this fan and follow your favourite saga life until the very end and get obsessed with its details and mostly cherish them.

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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