The Story Of A Cogwheel

Once upon a time, in land far far away there was a piece of metal, he lived happily with his family the metals; he spent all his childhood days playing with his friends not caring about the world, everything seemed okay to him and he never questioned anything.

The piece of metal grew up and it was time for him to go to "the factory of metals", you see the factory is a must for metals his age to go, because if he wouldn't go he'll spent his life rusting until he dies; he didn't question this rule so he went to the factory like all his friends did.

The years he passed in the factory were horrible to him, he felt he was just wasting his life there but the machines there always kept reminding him of the fate of those who drop out of "the factory" so he listened as the good boy he is and stayed.

All this time in the factory, the machines were just knocking on his body, everyday went on like that until it became normal, the knocking and the shape shifting became ordinary and anyone who would disagree with that will probably rust away.

The year has finally come where the piece of metal will graduate from the factory, the machines selected a few metals who were obedient and very easy to knock on, congratulated the graduates and went back to work to welcome the newly piece of metals.

Our hero looked at the newly coming and remembered an old self, the years of knocking changed him. He's no longer a piece of metal. He became a Cogwheel.

He thought those years have passed and he's now safe from the rusting and the years of joy and happiness have come, now that he became a Cogwheel, but he was wrong; there was another factory, a bigger one, this one isn't about molding pieces of metals into Cogwheels, no this one is about changing the type of the Cogwheels.

He couldn't understand why would they want to change types of Cogwheels, he's one already, he's safe from rusting, he can be happy but no.

Rusting is still at stake, he needs to be a specific type of Cogwheel to join others so they can run together, that's the only way he can escape rusting.

He kept going with flow, seeing himself changing more and more, sadness overwhelmed him but kept going, anxiety and stress joined the train. When the years of molding had finished he became like his parents, he could see that; his parents never smiled, they were always anxious and he became just like that.

He heard about an engine seeking a Cogwheel of his kind, so he joined. He finally became part of an engine and the threat is over. He can be happy again.

Yet again, he was wrong, his life now consisted of turning all day everyday with his new buddies so the engine can run, this is no happy place, the sadness covered his face, a life with the same pace.

He avoided rusting yes but his soul didn't.

He is now a soulless Cogwheel molded by machines to help run an engine.

The Cogwheel I'm afraid is you, you left the factory to change you into a Cogwheel scared of being left alone in the world.

Yes it's you unless you're willing to risk rusting and loneliness.

Mold yourself as the way you want to be molded, be a sword, a knife, a spoon, hell just stay a damn piece of metal. But don't you ever accept being turned to a Cogwheel just for safety !


If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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