Are You A True Friend ?

We always asked and searched for the criteria that makes a good friend, but have we ever thought about whether we are good friends to be worthy of good friendship ? Give it a minute to sink in. 

Are you a true friend ?

Whatever your answer might be, consider the following :

Many people see friendship from different perspectives and point of views but there are only few things that describe how much of a friend you are.

The virtues :

A true friend must have or acquire these virtues to call himself a friend, anything outside of that is just some luxury that it may give that bond a flavor, a person who makes you laugh and who's fun to be around with, doesn't necessarily mean that he's your friend, yes he might be friendly but not a friend. 

A person who is always around doesn't mean necessarily that he's your friend, maybe you just have something he wants.

Those fake concepts are on the tongue of every person who hasn't met a "traitor" before (the term traitor can even be wrong if this person wasn't loyal in the first place), a so called friend still hasn't hurt them, so they still underestimate or ignore the meaning of true friendship.

This bond has been reformed through the ages, especially nowadays, since you can meet new people every single day, this wasn't in the past, you lived and died around the same people, with the same faces, and same personalities. This without any doubt will create friendship and rivalry, but since we get to meet new people and interact with them, having the time to develop those criteria for a few amount of people is rare (but it exists !) .

The fact that you still haven't acquired the tools to be a good friend doesn't mean you should never learn them !

Anyway, I've putted them simply in 4 words : 


If you aren't loyal, you certainly aren't a friend, loyalty means that you can never betray your friend, whatever that cause might be.

You have to consider your friend as part of YOU; what harms them harms you, what benefits them benefits you.

Life always had its methods to test you out and show your true colors. There will always be a time where your friendship is put on the line and where your loyalty will be tested, whether it's your friend's girl trying to seduce you or someone who's spreading rumors about them and you started to believe in them.

This is where you take action and show what you are made of.


If you aren't honest, you certainly aren't a friend, an honest friend will always tell you how it is, without sugar coating , you will always wait from them an honest remark or a straight out answer. If their talk is always pleasant and you never heard from them a harsh word then they're most likely not your friend.

We always seek sweet talk and lies because we can't accept the fact that we screw up sometimes, that we are not perfect. The moment where someone doesn't care if his words will hurt you but you will benefit from them, then he is your friend.

The true impostor is the person who never hurt you, you're always sky high with them, everything is sunshine and rainbows, and you won't wake up from this illusion until it's too late, until their job is finished and they got what they wanted. And you stay there butt-hurt about their treachery and evilness and write a whole Facebook post about it.


Being a friend is without condition, without a goal ,a purpose ,a gain. If you befriended someone just for something he owns or if he can help you get something or to somewhere then you aren't friends, and that isn't friendship.

We always witness that some people come in our lives, they are loyal and honest but in a certain time they just vanish, we no longer know them or have any contact with them, that bond that you had was built around some condition. The condition has been met, so does your "friendship" .

Those are temporary friends.

"True friendship is unconditional."


A person that you know 4 weeks ago is not a friend, it's an acquaintance.

It's stupid to consider someone you just met as a friend, it's someone you know nothing about.

True friendship is something that will survive through the years even without daily conversation and contact.

Long friendships are polished like gems, it endures over time and becomes truly beautiful.

Short friendships are not friendships to begin with since it has ended.

Summary :

If you truly seek to be a true friend, then be loyal to your friend, don't stab them in the back, be honest, say it exactly how it is not how they want it to be, be an unconditional friend, you don't seek a benefit out of this friendship, and you must be willing to stay like that for the rest of your life.

That goes without saying that you can see if your friend is having these virtues or not, but most essentially is you:

Be the best person and you will find someone who's going to share with you the same pure feelings you're willing to offer !

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


  1. What if I am truly trying to be a good friend but I just can't seem to get someone wwho's worth it ?

    1. Nothing can come as you please right away you most be patient and see if YOU are truly worth it !


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