Make the Worst In Life Better (Remodelled Perspective)

Life sucks, FML, I hate my life ... Those are expressions that are commonly used in certain moments in your life, sometimes you feel like everything and everyone is against you.

"There is no good in this goddamn life" someone might say; of course someone with such mind has a little issue called "too much negativity", everything is black, bad and wicked; rarely does he see the good that this same "goddamn" life contains.

I hope that you're not this someone, and if you are please bear with me.

Life between good and evil

The concept of life has been a very complicated subject for philosophers, over centuries they were trying to find out whether life is beautiful and good or ugly and bad.

Some tend to say that life's good by saying that it's has so many good things to offer and all the bad things are just temporary, others say quite the opposite, some even say that it's the mixture of both, some say it's none of them. I'm going to neither approve nor deny any of these since I myself am not a philosopher.

But what I am sure of is this; it's just a matter of PERSPECTIVE, we can never know for sure and anyone can interpret it as they please !


Let's just say that two friends witnessed a crime, they were at the same location in the same time, if the police asked them about the incident, there will be two different stories since the two persons got different point of views, different perspectives.

This perspective has been formed and modelled since birth until this very moment, it is why there are pessimists and optimists and realists, etc. The way they see things differs.

Remodel your perspective

You can remodel this perspective to make you happy with whatever happens to you, whether life sucked or kicked ass.

Never noticed that some stuff that you hated when it happened turned out to be good sometime after ? Your perspective changes through time, but in reality you were just too blind to see the bright side (no pun intended) at that moment.

The catch here is that you always look for the positive side, whatever happens to you from now on, just see how does it benefit you. Sounds hard right ? 

Well no, it's all in your mind, you can either dwell in your negative thoughts or you can reframe them and focus on the positive instead.

Don't let negativity make your life dreadful. It's poison.

 "Negativity is never the optimum way of dealing with any situation. In fact, in most cases it keeps you stuck in it, blocking real change."

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

Once, my mother got very sick, I couldn't stand the fact that it happened, I said:"Why me ?" If my present self got back in time and told me (past self) that her sickness and my suffering were good, I would told me to "GET THE F-OFF".

You might ask how in hell does your mother's sickness benefited you, well to be frank; I always took my mother for granted, I've never appreciated all the good that she has ever done to me, and after that, I acknowledged them so that made me a better son, a better man and a better person.

If I knew what I know today; I would skipped those dark tempers that haunted me for days. 


After many experiences where I thought that's the worst thing that could happen to me but after a while, I see that they help me, one way or another. And it's not only for me, I believe that goes for any human being. 

You only have to open your eyes to see !

I'm not denying that shit happens and you obviously will get sad or angry, but if only we'd look for the silver lining in everything, we'd be happy all day everyday.

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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