Start The Day On The Right Foot

Ask any successful man about how he got so successful and you'll get the same response : The right morning routine !

Have you ever noticed that the events that happens during the morning can decide whether your day is going to kick ass or suck ?  

Your first waking hours determines what your entire day will be like.

This phenomena is called MOMENTUM .

We should use this phenomenon to ensure that your day is going to be 100% productive and full of energy.

There is a ton of stuff you can do but I'm going to sum the most important things to do in 4 essential things.

Here they are :

1-Wake-up Early:

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” Ben Franklin

Waking up early has numerous benefits from better health to a better lifestyle. 

There is a lot of scientific research proving that waking-up early is primarily correlated to increased happiness and big rushes of dopamine and endorphin.

Also, it  teaches you discipline; imagine yourself waking up everyday at 6:00 AM, resisting that "Snooze" button while everyone is asleep and every house out there has it's lights turned off but you still resist ...That takes some damn discipline !

All you got to remember is you need to wake-up early, you'll notice the change of mood and energy in no time.

2-Drink coffee:

  • Coffee improves cognition and your physical performance, also lowers your risk of diabetes, it gives the right amount of energy you need for the beginning of your day .
  • It is fast to make and easy to digest which makes it the perfect hunger breaker in the morning.
  • I suggest that you make your own coffee, it saves money and time, but if you're lazy. You can always buy it from your closest coffee shop.
  • By saying this, I'm not trying to make you a caffeine junkieAll I'm saying is -for me- coffee is the best aliment to start the day with.

3-Cold Shower :

If you're getting anything from this post make it this !

Cold showers are a natural energy recharger and also provides surprising health benefits like relaxing the muscles and releasing the body from stress and the state of sleepiness.

It's crazy how just seconds after the cold drops of water hit your body, you feel more alert and focused and your lungs more clean, as well as you feel ecstatic, happy and ready to kick some ass.

No wonder professional athletes have made it out as a habit. Plus, our ancestors didn't have the luxury to bathe with hot water, so it was C.S only and they lived  pretty damn well if you ask me.

Hot showers are also beneficial for the mind and the body but I see them as a way to end a day not to start one.

If you're really not in the mood for a C.S, just put some ice on the back of your neck, it doesn't have the same effects but it refreshes and wakes you up.


This may sound weird but if you just freed your mind and body from any thoughts and movement you make it more calm and focused, sounds complex?

Well, you're right! Many people call this action of "no action" meditation, it is the act of just sitting around doing nothing and thinking about nothing, this very act is what made Buddha a god, and Buddhism a religion or philosophy (we can argue about that later). But we're not here to preach about religion or philosophy, we're just taking the benefits of the teachings and applying them in our morning routine.

To meditate, it's pretty simple: 
  • You sit somewhere where you know you won't be disturbed.
  • You close your eyes and try to think about nothing.
  • You focus on your breathing (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth) 
Of course you won't be able to think about anything and thoughts are going to pop on your mind, so you just have to deal with them. How? The essential is that you just fully accept them, you don't judge them, you don't analyze them, you don't interact with them, you only accept them. 
Just by doing this, you release a huge amount of negative emotions and repressed feelings you never noticed they were even there.

You'll notice after practicing it daily that you're more calm and zen and more light-headed than you ever were.


These are just suggestions you can consider to start a day on the right foot, but you can always add or remove something, or make some changes for it to fit your daily life.

The essential is to get pumped and full of energy to start a good productive day !   

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


  1. very hewpful tips and i totally relate, waking up early and trying to plan my day ahead helped me boost my enery through the day <3


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