The Very Source Of Creativity

As a writer I sometime lack creativity, I'm ready both physically and mentally to write but nothing comes to the mind, I try to squeeze that gray matter no matter how hard and I still fail, so I just abstain until later.

But in other days, when I'm just sitting around doing nothing, stuff just start pouring in my head; lewd scenarios, weird projects, distant memories, all kind of things.

Boredom was accompanying me all my life and I always considered it as a bad thing. I can admit that it has it's bad sides but also it has it's good ones too.

I wonder if the Wright brothers didn't feel bored in their home would they ever decide to plan and build a plane. I'm pretty sure I'm wright !

Or Mark Zuckerberg in college, I'm positive that boredom is what drove him to create that website that lead to the creation of the most famous social network on the planet.

And just remember how many awesome doodles you made while your teacher was babbling none sense.

Boredom is powerful ! Yes, in making your free time slow as hell but in the same time it can be a fuel to your creativity for a reason for a good nap.

I never noticed this pattern until today I was sitting on a desk in the middle of an internship, and it bored me out, and I started wandering. So when I regained consciousness I was like "wow, that was one hell of a trip".

Then it hit me, an epiphany stroke me, it has been boredom all along, the sworn enemy of energetic teenagers is the loyal ally of all creators.

Summary :

Don't consider this an open invitation of starring at a wall and hoping that this abominable boredom will bring you insight on what to draw or right or whatever. Creativity is like a hard to get chick, the more you crave her the more she's distant and indifferent, and the more you ignore her the more she'll come around wanting your attention.

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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