Cut Energy Drainers Off (Restore Your Life Batteries )

Through life you just get stuck by bad stuff and you continue living with it without hiring it attention, but you notice gradually your mood swings, your patience gone and your life energy drained, so you start wondering what is the cause.

Well, it's not only one thing that made you like that, but it's a number of things you didn't give a time to analyze yourself and you're doings, the reason why you feel like that is that all the bad stuff(from earlier) get accumulated from all your life.

Those vampires camouflage themselves as guilty pleasures but they are in reality monstrous beasts drinking your sweet energy beverage and making you like a shell !

The way out of it is to remove them out of your life ! Period !

E.D People:

Those kind are the worst, interacting with  those persons for like 10 minutes can be destructive both physically and mentally, and you probably have some pictures right now on your mind about who might that be, it can be your fake friend, your whiny roommate or your boss, whatever he is just don't keep up with his bs for too long.

The first opportunity you get just kick them out of your life for good !

It might be hard at first because you got familiar with them but your life will improve drastically without them !

E.D Places:

The yelling of the neighbours, the noise of the cars and the pollution down the street, that's a bad place to live and it'll definitely drain you out. How can you be happy when your environment isn't.

If you can change where you live the do it ! If you cannot then don't there all the time, go somewhere where you can relax and when the time for sleep comes go back to it, make out of it a temporary hotel until you can move out to a better place.

E.D Food:

Junk food... What a messed-up invention made to make us the worst human we can be, slowing us with obesity, killing us with cancer. The issue is not to be fat but the issue is to stay fat and accept it, it's not a discrimination, it's a fact.

Eat healthy, live healthy and save your energy. It's hard, I know, they are delicious, I know that too, but that's in the short term but in the long term they are deadly.

So fight the urge to eat that delicious hamburger and go buy instead some bio-vegetables and you'll hate me now and thank me later.

E.D Thoughts:

How can you be energetic when your mind is dwelling on negative thoughts, cursing your luck, regretting the past, fearing the future ? It's impossible.

Color your mind with beautiful thoughts and your life will be colored as well by remodelling your mind in the best way so you can restore the battery charge.

E.D Habits:

Like I said earlier, some stuff just get stuck in your life, and with time you become to think it's a part of you and you just can't dispense of them.

Those habits can be anything that devastate your being whether you knew them or not like smoking, drinking, masturbating, staying up late, over sleeping, procrastination, and list goes on and on.. 

Those habits are a "nono" and they have to "gogo" .

Instead you should learn some good hobbies and make out of them habits.


Humans all over the world are living with those energy drainers thinking it's the normal way, and after that they wonder ''how the hell their life got so bad".

Search for the cure in yourself before blaming the world for its diseases. Change and the world will change with you.

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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