Five Ultimate Rules For Saving Up Money

Who can say that money isn't crucial in someone's life, no one, unless you're still living in the prehistoric ages where trading was trending.

If you want to live like a hippie and survive from crops and fruits be my guest, but this isn't the 60's; it's the 21 century and everything essential for life is bought by money.

A little bit can assure that you stay alive, a lot can assure that you live a life. Let's be honest and acknowledge its important and stop the let's pretend games.

Then the one million dollar question pops in, how to acquire a lot of money ? Many will claim to know how but a few actually do and I doubt that they'll share with the rest of us, unfortunately I am not one of them -at least not now- but what I do know is a particular methods to preserve your hard gained earnings.

The methods are simple, easy to follow and even obvious, you might know them all and always hear people talking about them but what matters isn't knowledge but application :

1- Never go in dept :

 This goes without saying, if you want to save money you have to be free of dept. Like I said: SIMPLE.

2- Never buy in credit :

It's the same as N°1 but I wrote it here because it's a hard pill to swallow, but it's true. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. You'll thank me later when you check out your bank account and find all your money is still there without any credit draining it down.

3- Buy the necessary only :

Some believe that money is made to be wasted, and I totally agree but you'll have to be smart about when/how you spend it, if you're broke as a biscuit and want to just buy a bunch of things you'll be in trouble in no time, until you're 100% sure about your financial situation you only buy the necessary.

4- Always Negotiate :

If there is something I know about buying/selling, is that there is always room for bargaining even if they claim it's nonnegotiable. If you're smart, you'll be able to get a better deal than the previous one. This skill won't come overnight so just be patient and you'll find yourself good at it in no time.

5- Write down how much you want to save :

Writing down your goals is a great way to help you achieve them, because it's no longer in your mind but in the real world, written in a paper. So your aim is to save what you agreed on with yourself in the paper and spend what's left, even if you don't always reach your goal, always write it down.

Summary :

Five simple rules, that's it, easy peasy yet we don't apply them at least one of them, saving money isn't avarice, avarice is not wanting to spend them even if you have enough but saving up is keeping them for a better cause; an investment, a journey, a better finance, a better life.

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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