How to Get Famous (Or Infamous)

From young age, I suffered from loneliness, I had little to zero friends, people come and go in my life (temporary friends), maybe because of my family's constant moving or maybe I was weird, I don't know!
Clearly, I wasn't popular, so I always envied that cool kid who everyone knew his name and wanted to be around him and I tried to be like him.

But I have grown and my world have grown with me, I no longer need everyone's attention to feel special, but the hunger for being known is still there but bigger and more devouring. 

(Why I want to be famous isn't for its sole purpose; being known. But for a higher purpose: if my audience is worldwide so will be my message, and I can interact with a lot more people, help -if I can- more, and share more.)

I wanted to know, I needed to know, but the Internet didn't satisfy my curiosity, all I could stumble upon are some random posts talking about stuff to do to grow a social circle not the actual way to do it. Too bad I wasn't a bookworm earlier, I could've had my answer sooner, the Internet isn't as knowledgeable as books.

I always noticed something with all the worldwide figures, they all have a thing, the thing that makes people want to know them, look for them, want a signature or even a selfie, the thing that makes them famous.

SO ? What is it ? What makes them special and us normal ? Well the question contains the answer : SPECIAL ! 

Who would want to know some middle age man who got six daughters, a boy and a beautiful wife, a man who's living a simple calm life? A small town southern man? Hm?

No one !  That's sad but that is true, what's interesting about him?

Unlike this man, any famous person -living or dead- is known for something;
  • Isaac Newton: discovery of gravity,
  • Mahatma Gandhi: leading India to independence,
  • Kim Kardashian: well everyone knows what Kim is known for; 
My point is that they are famous! Famous for something they have or had, something they did or are still doing.

You can still be infamous for the same reasons: Hitler, Osama ben-laden, and the list goes on.

There are two types of famous :

  • Temporary famous : that's when you do something really brilliant or stupid, so you catch with it the world's attention for a short period of time and then you're gone, forgotten like a hot summer song.
  • Eternal famous : that's when your legacy survives through the ages, where you become a legend remembered by history, that's my aim and it might be yours too, not for the sake of it, but with the opportunities that comes with it. 


There you have it, the non bs way to do it!

Sorry if I disappointed you, but there is no magic spell around this. 

If you want to get famous you should be extraordinary, do something really original and special; and if you really did something remarkable capable of revolutionizing the world then you'll be remembered forever !
If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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