Why Do You Need A Good Hobby ?

Do you have a hobby ?

   If no then this article is for you, if yes then you should also read this !

Well, a hobby is something that you do regularly for fun, for enjoyment, at any time you feel like it, a hobby can be anything, from playing a musical instrument to collecting socks, it doesn't matter if it's mainstream or not, what does matter is that you feel relaxed and like a little baby playing with the sand.. Happy !

Of course you know that; what is the common mistake is that people mix up watching TV and checking their phones as hobbies, they are not hobbies, they are Time Wasters, you sitting there watching that show you like thinking you're entertaining yourself, well yes you are but you're wasting your time while instead you can have fun with a good hobby.

The media is trying to sell us that everything that we enjoy doing is not a waste of time but it's a hobby, well that's a complete lie !

Good Hobby vs Time Wasters :

Saying you love basket ball, it's your passion since you were a kid but you got stuck up in the TV "hobby", you're staying home glued in front of your couch while you get calls from your friends asking you to join them, but you decline because you're "busy" . Do you seriously think that you're not wasting your time ?

You could go out meet your buddies and other guys, socialize with people, meet new ones, practice what you love and stay healthy while you're at it.

A good hobby is when you feel that you're investing your time wisely, you're winning something at the end, your precious time is not wasted in vain while having fun.

Good Hobbies :

The question is how should I know if my hobby is a good hobby ?

Well, you just look at it and determine the following things : 
  • Does it help you to be a better version of yourself ?
  • It doesn't hurt your well-being or finance ?
  • Do you feel energetic and happy while doing it ?
  • Can you make a profit out of it ?

Out of these questions you can find out if it's worth your time or not. If not then look for a new one, there is plenty of stuff you can try out and see if you like it, and test out if it's a G.H. You can try travelingcooking, playing music, reading, whatever, just make sure it's worth it.


 We all know that having a hobby releases stress and gives you time to reflect and think, anyone knows that. But a quality hobby have more than that to offer.

It can offer you a lot of opportunities, meet new people and expand your social circle, make a living out of it and have fun while you're at it, changes your life from monotony and dreariness to lively and colourfulness and it keeps it fresh with new discoveries and accomplishments, and more ! 

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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