Find Your Life's Purpose (Get Rid Of Your Existential Crisis)

Why are we here ? What we doing here ? Where are we going ? And what is the meaning of life ? 

I'm pretty sure you had these questions or something like them pop up in your head and gave you a migraine, you looked for answers in religion or science or whatever, you might had your answers or you might not but that doesn't matter as long that you haven't answer some more important questions .

 Why am I here ? What am I doing here ? Where am I going ? And 
what is the meaning of my life ? 

Those are the primary questions that you should seek before getting anymore deeper, then if you don't and still look for the overall picture then you're like pouring water in sand.

Unlike centuries from now, our ancestors had it easy in the matter of purpose, men were supposed to provide for the family and keep them safe, the women were supposed to raise the children and give emotional support to the men. It was easy and clear, that's why we never heard of suicidal over existential crisis with the cavemen. But now since everything got shambled with the recent technologies and laws and opportunities, we got confused and disoriented.

Then this question comes around : "How the hell am I supposed to know what's my life purpose ? ". And you are probably waiting for the quick fix and the easy answer, but unfortunately it's not going to be, and even more so if you never bothered yourself the trouble of self-examination. But you can try some stuff out to try to dig up your true essence, and hopefully get you to realize your definite purpose in this life.

Firstly, ask yourself this : "If you are now in your deathbed, what will be the things that you have regretted to do ?". Take a minute and write whatever comes to your mind, I'm serious, take a pen a paper and write them down. Those things are a must do in your life, whenever you get an idea of something you'd love to do before you die write it down and make sure you do it before you're 6 feet under.

Secondly, "if you had no restrictions whatsoever, no money issues, no health issues, no issues at all, what will you do ?". This question helped me personally to figure out what I want to do with my life, like earlier, write everything down in the same paper, if there is resemblance with what you've wrote before then don't bother.

Finally, take that piece of paper and take all those ideas and write them in another paper but this time in order of preference, what you would prefer doing the most comes first and so on.

I hope now you have a somewhat vision of what you want to do with/in your life, but your purpose in life is something much more deeper, much more hard to find with just two questions and I'm not going to say it does, that's where introspection and meditation comes in, I swear that with solely meditating, I witnessed an epiphany that changed my life, and I'm sure that if you meditate you'll have your mind clear and you'll know what you want. It may be something that you've never thought of, or it maybe clear and simple as wanting to travel the world, who knows ? You do !  

And if you don't want to bother yourself with all this, and think you're fine just the way you are; well that's your life but I must warn you there is high risk of depression that could be caused by existential crisis, ignore at your own peril ...


Finding your purpose is a crucial thing in life, but people seem to just ignore it and role with their existence into oblivion, the moment you'll find it everything will become clear to you and then you can pursue your quest into finding the purpose of life, and it might even be your purpose after all !

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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