Why You Should Start Meditating Right Now (Free Your Mind Of Thought)

I can talk all day about the benefits of Meditation and I won't finish, instead just imagine a monkey, active, lively and unpredictable. This monkey got drunk so he's even more active. Sadly for him while walking he got stung by a bee. This creature is a mess don't you think ?

This is exactly what your mind is! A " drunk stung-by-a-bee monkey".

Imagine now that this monkey is on sedatives; that's exactly how your mind will be when you start meditating !

NOW, the question is how to meditate ?

It's actually quite simple :

  • You go to a quite place where you know you won't be disturbed.
  • You sit wherever you like with an upright posture.
  • You close your eyes.
  • You breathe slowly.
 This is where it gets tricky, our mind like the monkey from earlier won't stop thinking, have you ever noticed that your brain is creating nonstop situations? It's always some nonsense that keeps us worried or stressed.

Pay attention from now on how many times your attention from the present gets stolen by your thoughts.

The way out of this when meditating is to focus on something, you can either :
  • Focus on a Mantra (A Mantra is a word or a sentence repeated that has great meaning to you, e.g. "I am","In peace", look for one online or just make one.)
  • Focus on your breathing (Each inhale and each exhale).
Even so you'll always lose focus but that's normal, with practice you'll start noticing that your mind is actually free from thought even in short periods.

Meditation has this effect that makes people avoid it, it brings back bad memories and forgotten pain but that's all part of the process. When it happen just embrace those feelings and you'll feel way better.

As for how long you can meditate: That's arbitrary!

You can either babystep your way up starting with 10 minutes a day and add more when you feel like it, or you can start right now with 40 minutes a day! Your choosing! The important thing is to do it everyday if you want real results.

I personally use binaural beats when meditating, they help a lot since they train the brain to get on some hard frequencies on short periods while monks take years to reach. So that's a plus technology gave us. 

These beats are available on youtube for free. (you can still meditate without listening to anything, try and see what works for you).


If you still think meditation isn't that useful, let me ask you a question: "Can you stop thinking at least for a second ?" Try Now and see for yourself! I'm pretty sure you can't as long as you haven't made meditation as a daily habit or part of your morning routine!

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.
As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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