Stop Being Needy Right Now !

Recently, I've been reading a great book called Models by Mark Manson, it talked about attracting women through honesty, and by honesty he meant being honest with and to yourself as well as with your significant other, and he summarized it all by this sentence: "Stop Being Needy", and I did encounter this term in PUA(Pick-up Artist) forums a lot, but there, they were just talking about being clingy towards a women will turn her off and some other advices about being alpha male and other bullshit.

In the book, Mark made anything that wasn't true to yourself, and by that anything that was done  to just seek validation, to impress someone, or to lie about who you truly are, is Needy.

To stop being needy you need to stop:

Seeking Validation:

We all seek validation once in a while to feel better about ourselves but by that you only harm yourself, since you don't appreciate yourself but wait for someone to give his approval to feel better. This is literally destruction of self-worth !

Are you really worth what others say about you ? Hell no ! If this was the case then anyone who says bad stuff about you is true, and you surely know that this is false.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't accept criticism and advices, that's essential for growth as a person.

Impressing People:

We are all guilty of this, even now that I am aware of my doings I still sometime do things to just impress people.

I know a guy that can't settle for a phone for more than a year, he just buys every goddamn new franchise, I hope to god he's doing it for a personal pleasure, if it was the case then it's his life.
But if what I'm doubting is true and he just loves the remarks of people when they see his brand new phone than that's a catastrophe !

Why ? Just for the admiration of people that forgets about your existence 30 seconds later ? Is it really worth all that time and effort, I really don't know...

You need to know something, people don't give a damn about you and you don't also. The few people who actually care; loves you just the way you are.

So instead of impressing people impress yourself. It 's way better and it's the only person who really cares about you !

Lying about yourself:

Lying about who you truly are is as toxic as all the other things listed above because it shows that you don't respect yourself, you don't respect the aspects of your personality and what makes you you.

I never had this problem but I know a certain person who does, I never respected him for that, he used to lie about his hobbies, his favourite TV shows just to be accepted and to be recognized as cool, but people never did, you can always sense that something is off about him, that's the sense you give when you're not in harmony with yourself.

I personally love Anime even though people say it's childish, but I don't care about them that's who I am, I won't lie about it just to look cool.

So if you like something or do something, don't be ashamed of it, you'll always find someone that will dislike what you do, even if it's mainstream, so stay true to yourself and be proud of it !


You can't stop being needy just by reading an article in a blog but by practicing, by questioning yourself, is this who I am ? Am I pleased by this ? Am I doing this for me or another ? Just being self aware and you'll stop caring about others and start doing your own things.

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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