So You Think You're Poor ?

Think again. What makes you poor? Not able to afford that fancy car you wanted ? What about not able to pay off your students loans ? What about not being able to pay last month's rent ?

Do you have food on your table?
Do you need to walk 10 kms to find drinking water? How about this, do you think you can be homeless in a split of a second ?

What are you lacking that it made you think.. Oh poor me, I don't have such and such therefore I'm poor ?

Poverty in it's truest form is when you're struggling on a daily basis for natural needs; food, drink and shelter. If your dad already got that covered then I got news for you. YOU aren't poor. Better yet, the fact that you're currently reading this article, you are NOT poor.

Forget about what they tell you about poverty. People in Africa are poor, not the whole continent but parts of it. The homeless guy you see in the street every night is poor. The guy who recently got bankrupt is now poor.
These people have the right to say I'm poor, yet again it's not something you should be advertising because it's not a good thing.

So you've hit a minor setback. You're struggling financially for a while. It's okay, there are ways to handle them. But as long as your belly is full and you've got a roof under your head. You are richer than 20% of the population of the earth.

Think about it, about 1.6 billion people around the world lack what you're having right now ! It's a scary thought, yet a comforting one. Yes a comforting one because you're lucky and you have it easy.

Hope that you've changed your way of seeing the word poverty and the term I'm poor. And next time you feel like saying "I'm poor" why not say " I'm privileged but I just don't appreciate it".

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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