Change How You View The World (Hate Lenses)


Have you ever noticed how when you dislike or hate someone, anything they say or do come off to you as annoying or off putting or make you mad without any reasons behind it. Even if that person just acts normally and is carrying on with their lives. You just can't stand their every breathing moment!

That, my friend, is what we call Hate Lenses!

A lens that you see the world in, which is completely false, and is swayed by your emotion.

Let’s say that person I talked about earlier is talking about factual evidence. You’d still doubt it or dismiss it just because the mouth speaking it doesn’t sit well with you.

That’s a WRONG way to respond to the outside world. Your emotions shouldn’t dictate facts. Your emotions shouldn’t cloud your judgment.

Your personal opinion can sway certain interactions with said person but you should always receive outside data with an objective manner.

Hate Lenses happen in our close relationships too!

Let’s say a couple argue and they’re mad at each other. Or just one party is mad at the other. That person starts seeing all their actions with a certain detestation. A remark that would fly in the “peaceful” times now is a declaration of “war”.

And that is certainly unfair to the other party that views the world impartially or without any lenses. Because, they’re living how they always did, they’re saying what they always said.

Yet now they find themselves offending their significant other and making the fight spiral out of control.

We should be aware of our Hate Lenses in our relationships; especially when anger settles in because it can be a deadly poison to our relationship, and a definite energy drainer of your intimate interactions.

Summary :

I think you should be mindful of your Hate Lenses in the world. Sometimes being objective can help you find the truth even if it’s uncomfortable to you or your Ego.

Remove any shade or lens that might cloud your judgment and see the world for what it is not what your lens shapes it to be!

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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