The One Punch Man Workout Routine

There are so much tricks and tips online about how to lose weight or gain muscle, or how to get a lean body without workout. It may be a commercial about a "magical" device or a forgotten technique, whatever it is, it's always filled with 0 effort and 100 win, which is all we want nowadays; the easy way to everything, sadly the real world doesn't work like that.

The term "No pain No gain" is totally, legitimately true, especially in the fitness industry, no equipment or forbidden sauce would replace the magic of hard-ass work.

And this routine is definitely one of those, work hard win harder and it was inspired from an anime (an anime is a Japanese animation as in the picture above) called One Punch Man.

The first time I saw it, I thought: "this shit is crazy, well of course it is since it's from an anime", but I began to notice that a lot of people recommended the same routine more or less so I decided to give it a try.

The routine is simple:

  • 100 Push ups
  • 100 sit ups
  • 100 squats
  • Run 10 kms
  • Every Single Day !
Sounds crazy right but it's actually doable, in the anime the protagonist (Saitama) became a super hero just by doing this but he sadly lost his hair on the process. 

I tried for my self this routine and believe me every muscle of your body will hurt but I didn't stop back then, everyday the same thing so I noticed that this routine needed some adjustments so I made it like this :

  • 100 push ups
  • 100 sit ups
  • 100 squats
  • Every Single Day
  • 10 kms on week-ends
And it worked just fine for me, it helped my overall health and my body since the push ups works the torso and arms, the sit ups with the abs, the squats for the legs and the 10 kms helped with my endurance and body fat.

You cannot complete the full 100 reps at once so you'll need a tactic, this is how I did it and still do it : begin with 1 rep+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+9 reps=100 reps(repetition).

You can take a breath between one set and another if you feel like it; this way it's done easier and it's simple to keep track of how much reps you have done.

In a month, I was fit and I had my body to show it. But it took me a lot of perseverance to keep on it before I became used to it and made out of it a morning routine.

What I like the most about this routine is that it can be done anywhere at anytime and it works both for male and female and it doesn't cost you a single dim !

 The One Punch Man Workout Routine is going to improve your health and your looks even more, fortunately you're not going bold after doing it. 

I hope you'll try it out and see it's effect for and on yourself. Instead of just reading my words! Witness them !

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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