So You Think You're Rich ?

Being rich was the only goal I had since I was a child, since I was born in
a modest family with a modest income, seeing kids having what I couldn't have
unlocked that ambition within me.
I didn't know what I do know now, all I wanted is to have the money to buy
me that expensive toy so I can feel happy for an instance and then want a
bigger one; sadly, billions still have this mindset, the mindset of a 6 years
old, they think they're poor and their on a quest for fortune.
I've constantly watched very wealthy people who had it all; all the big
toys the lesser class dream of, however the happiness that it should be within
them is none to be found. I couldn't understand, how is that even possible? The
ads on the TV said if I bought this car I'll be ecstatic, and here they are
owning it and far from ecstasy...
Yeah they're rich, loads of money in their bank account, but are they
really rich?
You see richness comes from deep within. It doesn't matter how many numbers
there is in your back account, or how many fancy cars you have in your garage,
and how many fancy clothes you have in your wardrobe.
If you're inside poor, no matter how riches you amass you will never feel
satisfied. You will never feel rich!
With money comes power. With power comes soul consuming. With soul
consuming comes sadness.
Yet when you're poor, you feel saddened for all the things that money
could've given you, and the pain and suffering you could've avoided if you had
a pocket full of cash.
It's a vicious cycle. If you don't have enough money you'll lose in life,
and if you have more than enough money you'll lose your soul.
And don't get me wrong, you can be filthy rich and still be happy, it's a
misconception that all rich people are sad people. That's just a poor man's
fairy tale. But it's closer to the truth.
In the search of fortune, a person spends a great deal thinking about
money, working for money, dealing with money. It becomes a lifestyle, and when
you get money, you get a boost of dopamine (happy hormone). And it goes on and
on and on for years until you start believing that that green paper is the
source of your happiness.
Once you get it, you're happy. Once it's lost, you're unhappy.
But happiness comes from a place of abundance, where you feel satisfied
with everything from your life. That's why you feel a fading happiness when you
get money, your brain tells you that everything is well but you soon realize it
is not and go back to bring sad.
It happened to me so many times that I started believing that life is about
short fading moments of happiness and a lot and a lot of suffering and sadness
and dread.
It was foolish of me that you cannot have a happy life all the time. As if
life is cursed by the gods and we're here just to suffer.
But the key to happiness is balance, the Yin and Yang, the divine wisdom
of good and evil and the balance between them.
If you can balance between all the aspect of your life from search for
money to your relationships with your family and loved ones. Then and only
then, you can be happy.
I said once and I'll say it again; richness comes from within not from the
outside. If your heart is full then you're the richest man on the world even
with a penny in your pocket.
Don't let the toys fool you. They will never end. You know it deep down.
You'll get that toy. You'll play with it. You'll want another one. Like a ratin a wheel running and running and no real progress in sight.
But you're not a rat. You're a much more complex creature than that!
Don't let the world fool you. You know the answer deep down. Follow it!
If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.
As Always.
Be Young. Be Strong.
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