11 Ways to Improve Your Mood Drastically (And That Actually Works)

We all had those days where everything is dark and melancholic, where anything becomes morbid and life just loses it's taste, sometimes it's because something happened to you but sometimes you become like that all of a sudden without knowing why.

At those times, it's hard to see a silver lining (even though it's there), so our mood is clouded with a whole bunch of negativity.

But you can always fight this state and make it slightly better, you shouldn't give in to those emotions and let them ruin your day, there are different techniques that makes you fight depression and save up the psychiatrist money because they don't cost you a dime.

I've chosen 11 ways that I personally use to improve my mood and here they are :

1- Walk :

Walking is one of my favourite hobbies. There is no better -for me- than wandering in the street aimlessly just looking at strangers and cars moving along. It takes out a lot of stress, anger or whatever I feel at that moment and I just become present, with the feeling of warmth in my heart.

2- Eat :

A good meal brings joy to the belly, the mouth and the mind. I've never seen anyone eating a delicious cake with tears of sadness down his cheeks, they are always tears of joy.

But you shouldn't make excessive eating your therapy because that will lead to obesity that leads to even more depression.

When I say eat I mean by it a good small meal that'll make you feel happy not a huge buffet to drown in you sorrow and sadness.

3- Meditate :

I keep pointing at meditation in my blog for a reason; because it actually works.

When your mind is clear and calm, how can you be sad or stressed out or anything ?

I talked about it's benefits and how to practice it in this post (check it out if you like).

4- Shower :

Water has a therapeutic effects on the mind it's like when you hear the sound of waves or the pouring of a waterfall or when you swim in the pool, showers got the benefits of both sound and motion.

You can relax on a hot shower or recharge your batteries in a cold one, or you can do both which is a contrast shower and got the benefits of both.

5- Workout :

The moment you step out of the gym after a hard work out session, you feel ecstatic but that's not me saying it but the scientist has proven that working out produces dopamine and endorphins (the happy hormones).

But that's not only in the gym but in whatever physical activity even simple body weight exercises; but you'll ask how come you'll be happy after hurting your body that much, I'll say I don't know but hey as long as it works, I'm down for it.

6- Scream :

The reason why you feel that down is that a lot of dark energy is surrounding you and choking you and shouting is a way to release the pressure and letting go -like any of the stuff mentioned in this post-.

Go to a private place and just scream as hard as you can, this may be crazy to you at first but trust me you'll feel way better after.

7- Go To Big Places :

What do oceans and mountains and forests and deserts have in common ? They are big !

Sure they are but they also share something else ! "The Helping Power of Nature".

It sounds silly but it's true, just looking at them appeases your soul and shows you how little you are and how tiny your problems are face this majestic creation.

8- Talk To Friends & Family :

I can't help but to smile and laugh when I'm around friends and family, they know how to sheer me up and get me out of my bad mood pretty quickly. But that's unless they're the reason why you're like that in the first place then stay the hell away from them.

9- Sleep :

Sometimes when an electronic device start messing around and doesn't work right you just shut it down for a second and you start it up again and it works, well it apply also with humans, sleeping is our natural reboot.

When shit hits the fan and you can't help then just sleep it off, you'll always feel better after a good sleep.

10- Music :

We all have those songs or musical composition that fires up or calm us down or sheer us up. So when your mood is dark, turn on the music and let it take the pain away.

There are also some depressing stuff out there and people do this stupid thing when they get down, they start listening to them and getting even worst. Don't do that ! That's stupid !

11- Focus On Your Goal :

You can't afford to be sad when hustling non stop to reach a certain goal and if you do achieve you're objective, you'll surely be happy, if not then why would it be your goal in the first place ?

Summary :

Here they are, my 11 Ways to Improve My Mood Drastically.

I'm sure you use one of those too, even if you don't notice it, be sure to leave a comment to tell me which one it is or maybe something that I've forgot to mention or you're the only person using it.

If you have any question or concern about the post, feel free to drop a comment below.

As Always.

Be Young. Be Strong.


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