
Showing posts from October, 2022

So You Think You're Rich ?

Being rich was the only goal I had since I was a child, since I was born in a modest family with a modest income, seeing kids having what I couldn't have unlocked that ambition within me. I didn't know what I do know now, all I wanted is to have the money to buy me that expensive toy so I can feel happy for an instance and then want a bigger one; sadly, billions still have this mindset, the mindset of a 6 years old, they think they're poor and their on a quest for fortune. I've constantly watched very wealthy people who had it all; all the big toys the lesser class dream of, however the happiness that it should be within them is none to be found. I couldn't understand, how is that even possible? The ads on the TV said if I bought this car I'll be ecstatic, and here they are owning it and far from ecstasy... Yeah they're rich, loads of money in their bank account, but are they really rich? You see richness comes from deep within. It do...

So You Think You're Poor ?

Think again. What makes you poor? Not able to afford that fancy car you wanted ? What about not able to pay off your students loans ? What about not being able to pay last month's rent ? Do you have food on your table? Do you need to walk 10 kms to find drinking water ? How about this, do you think you can be homeless in a split of a second ? What are you lacking that it made you think.. Oh poor me, I don't have such and such therefore I'm poor ? Poverty in it's truest form is when you're struggling on a daily basis for natural needs; food, drink and shelter. If your dad already got that covered then I got news for you. YOU aren't poor. Better yet, the fact that you're currently reading this article, you are NOT poor. Forget about what they tell you about poverty . People in Africa are poor, not the whole continent but parts of it. The homeless guy you see in the street every night is poor. The guy who recently got bankrupt is now poor. Thes...

The Story Of A Cogwheel

O nce upon a time, in land far far away there was a piece of metal, he lived happily with his family the metals; he spent all his childhood days playing with his friends not caring about the world, everything seemed okay to him and he never questioned anything. The piece of metal grew up and it was time for him to go to " the factory of metals ", you see the factory is a must for metals his age to go, because if he wouldn't go he'll spent his life rusting until he dies; he didn't question this rule so he went to the factory like all his friends did. The years he passed in the factory were horrible to him, he felt he was just wasting his life there but the machines there always kept reminding him of the fate of those who drop out of "the factory" so he listened as the good boy he is and stayed. All this time in the factory, the machines were just knocking on his body, everyday went on like that until it became normal, the knocking and the shape sh...

Five Ultimate Rules For Saving Up Money

Who can say that money isn't crucial in someone's life, no one, unless you're still living in the prehistoric ages where trading was trending. If you want to live like a hippie and survive from crops and fruits be my guest, but this isn't the 60's; it's the 21 century and everything essential for life is bought by money. A little bit can assure that you stay alive, a lot can assure that you live a life. Let's be honest and acknowledge its important and stop the let's pretend games. Then the one million dollar question pops in, how to acquire a lot of money ? Many will claim to know how but a few actually do and I doubt that they'll share with the rest of us, unfortunately I am not one of them -at least not now- but what I do know is a particular methods to preserve your hard gained earnings. The methods are simple, easy to follow and even obvious, you might know them all and always hear people talking about them but what matters isn't ...

The Very Source Of Creativity

As a writer I sometime lack creativity, I'm ready both physically and mentally to write but nothing comes to the mind, I try to squeeze that gray matter no matter how hard and I still fail, so I just abstain until later. But in other days, when I'm just sitting around doing nothing, stuff just start pouring in my head; lewd scenarios, weird projects, distant memories, all kind of things. Boredom was accompanying me all my life and I always considered it as a bad thing. I can admit that it has it's bad sides but also it has it's good ones too. I wonder if the Wright brothers didn't feel bored in their home would they ever decide to plan and build a plane. I'm pretty sure I'm wright ! Or Mark Zuckerberg in college, I'm positive that boredom is what drove him to create that website that lead to the creation of the most famous social network on the planet. And just remember how many awesome doodles you made while your teacher was babbling none se...

Stop Being Needy Right Now !

Recently, I've been reading a great book called Models by Mark Manson , it talked about attracting women through honesty, and by honesty he meant being honest with and to yourself as well as with your significant other, and he summarized it all by this sentence: " Stop Being Needy ", and I did encounter this term in PUA (Pick-up Artist) forums a lot, but there, they were just talking about being clingy towards a women will turn her off and some other advices about being alpha male and other bullshit. In the book, Mark made anything that wasn't true to yourself, and by that anything that was done  to just seek validation, to impress someone, or to lie about who you truly are, is Needy. To stop being needy you need to stop: Seeking Validation: We all seek validation once in a while to feel better about ourselves but by that you only harm yourself, since you don't appreciate yourself but wait for someone to give his approval to feel better. This ...

Change How You View The World (Hate Lenses)

  Have you ever noticed how when you dislike or hate someone, anything they say or do come off to you as annoying or off putting or make you mad without any reasons behind it. Even if that person just acts normally and is carrying on with their lives. You just can't stand their every breathing moment! That, my friend, is what we call Hate Lenses ! A lens that you see the world in, which is completely false, and is swayed by your emotion. Let’s say that person I talked about earlier is talking about factual evidence. You’d still doubt it or dismiss it just because the mouth speaking it doesn’t sit well with you. That’s a WRONG way to respond to the outside world. Your emotions shouldn’t dictate facts. Your emotions shouldn’t cloud your judgment. Your personal opinion can sway certain interactions with said person but you should always receive outside data with an objective manner. Hate Lenses happen in our close relationships too! Let’s say a couple argue and they’re mad at each oth...

Find Your Life's Purpose (Get Rid Of Your Existential Crisis)

Why are we here ? What we doing here ? Where are we going ? And what is the meaning of life ?  I'm pretty sure you had these questions or something like them pop up in your  head and gave you a migraine, you looked for answers in religion or science or whatever, you might had your answers or you might not but that doesn't matter as long that you haven't answer some more important  questions  .   Why am I here ? What am I doing here ? Where am I going ? And  what is the meaning of my life ?  Those are the primary questions that you should seek before getting  anymore deeper, then if you don't and still look for the overall picture then you're like pouring water in sand. Unlike centuries from now, our ancestors had it easy in the matter of purpose, men were supposed to provide for the family and keep them safe,  the women were supposed to raise the children and give emotional support  to the men. It was easy and clear...

11 Ways to Improve Your Mood Drastically (And That Actually Works)

We all had those days where everything is dark and  melancholic , where anything becomes  morbid  and life just loses it's taste, sometimes it's because something happened to you but sometimes you become like that all of a sudden without knowing why. At those times, it's hard to see a silver lining (even though it's there), so our mood is clouded with a whole bunch of negativity. But you can always fight this state and make it slightly better, you shouldn't give in to those emotions and let them ruin your day, there are different techniques that makes you fight depression and save up the  psychiatrist money because they don't cost you a dime. I've chosen 11 ways that I personally use to improve my mood and here they are : 1- Walk : Walking is one of my favourite hobbies . There is no better -for me- than wandering in the street aimlessly just looking at strangers and cars moving along. It takes out a lot of stress, anger or whatever I feel at t...

The One Punch Man Workout Routine

There are so much tricks and tips online about how to lose weight or gain muscle, or how to get a lean body without workout. It may be a commercial about a "magical" device or a forgotten technique , whatever it is, it's always filled with 0 effort and 100 win, which is all we want nowadays; the easy way to everything, sadly the real world doesn't work like that. The term "No pain No gain" is totally, legitimately true, especially in the fitness industry, no equipment or forbidden sauce would replace the magic of hard-ass work. And this routine is definitely one of those, work hard win harder and it was inspired from an anime (an anime is a Japanese animation as in the picture above) called One Punch Man. The first time I saw it, I thought: "this shit is crazy, well of course it is since it's from an anime", but I began to notice that a lot of people recommended the same routine more or less so I decided to give it a try. The routine...

Why You Should Start Meditating Right Now (Free Your Mind Of Thought)

I can talk all day about the benefits of Meditation and I won't finish, instead just i magine a monkey, active, lively and unpredictable. This monkey got drunk so he's even more active. Sadly for him while walking he got stung by a bee. This creature is a mess don't you think ? This is exactly what your mind is! A " drunk stung-by-a-bee monkey". Imagine now that this monkey is on sedatives; that's exactly how your mind will be when you start meditating ! NOW, the question is how to meditate ? It's actually quite simple : You go to a quite place where you know you won't be disturbed. You sit wherever you like with an upright posture. You close your eyes. You breathe slowly.  This is where it gets tricky, our mind like the monkey from earlier won't stop thinking, have you ever noticed that your brain is creating nonstop situations? It's always some nonsense that keeps us worried or stressed . Pay attention from now on how...

Cherish Every Single Moment Of Your Life (Be Your Number One Fan)

You know those stories we read on books or watch on TV who are long and have like multiple chapters or sequels, the so called sagas ? I'm sure you do and you definitely followed one before. The storytelling is amazing and we end-up loving it. The reason why they are beloved to us is because we got attached to the hero, we got used to him since we accompanied him through out his whole journey  like Luke Skywalker or Harry Potter or whatever character you followed from scratch. Some fans get offended when you criticize a particular scene or chapter of a certain saga, since they love the whole work. They embrace all of it, even the suck. That's the same vision we should take upon our lives. It's a saga, an interesting one and it'll have it's bumps obviously so  be your number one fan and cherish every single moment of your  saga  life . Don't let yourself become an asshole critic that says : "that part wasn't necessary or it just was m...

Cut Energy Drainers Off (Restore Your Life Batteries )

Through life you just get stuck by bad stuff and you continue living with it without hiring it attention, but you notice gradually your mood swings, your patience gone and your life energy drained, so you start wondering what is the cause. Well, it's not only one thing that made you like that, but it's a number of things you didn't give a time to analyze yourself and you're doings, the reason why you feel like that is that all the bad stuff(from earlier) get accumulated from all your life. Those vampires camouflage themselves as guilty pleasures but they are in reality monstrous beasts drinking your sweet energy beverage and making you like a shell ! The way out of it is to remove them out of your life ! Period ! E.D People: Those kind are the worst, interacting with  those persons for like 10 minutes can be destructive both physically and mentally, and you probably have some pictures right now on your mind about who might that b...