So You Think You're Rich ?

Being rich was the only goal I had since I was a child, since I was born in a modest family with a modest income, seeing kids having what I couldn't have unlocked that ambition within me. I didn't know what I do know now, all I wanted is to have the money to buy me that expensive toy so I can feel happy for an instance and then want a bigger one; sadly, billions still have this mindset, the mindset of a 6 years old, they think they're poor and their on a quest for fortune. I've constantly watched very wealthy people who had it all; all the big toys the lesser class dream of, however the happiness that it should be within them is none to be found. I couldn't understand, how is that even possible? The ads on the TV said if I bought this car I'll be ecstatic, and here they are owning it and far from ecstasy... Yeah they're rich, loads of money in their bank account, but are they really rich? You see richness comes from deep within. It do...